Nandalala Yadu Nandalala - MP3
Nandanandana Navaneta Chora - MP3[text not available]Na Punyam Bhauya Manasu - MP3
O O Manasa - MP3[text not available]
Nandalala Yadu Nandalala
Nandalala Yadu Nandalala
Brindavana Govinda Lala
Radha Lola Nandalala
Radha Madhava Nandalala
Beloved son of Nanda, Krishna of the Yadu family,
Brindavan's darling cowherd boy,
Radha's joy, Lord of Radha.
Na Punyam
Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam
Na Dukkham Na Manthro Na Tirtham
Na Veda Na yajnam
Aham Bhojanam Na Bhojanam
Naiva Bhojam Na Kartau
Sadananda Rupam Advaitam
Sathyam Sivam Sundaram
Neither sin nor merit; neither pleasures nor pain.
Neither sacred formulae nor sacred places.
Neither Vedas nor yajnas (rituals).
I am neither the eaten nor the eater nor the act of eating;
I am the ever blissful One, One without a second,
Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
I am THAT.
Narayana Hari Nama Bhajo ReNarayana Hari Nama Bhajo Re Narayana Veda Parayana
Karuna Bharana Bhava Bhaya Harana
Pavana Charana Patita Janavana
Narayana Hari Narayana (3)
Chant the name of the Lord Narayana
the author and giver of the Vedas,
Who destroys fear.
Worship the auspicious Lotus Feet of Lord Sai Narayana,
Who is full of mercy.
Who grants happiness to the fallen,
and liberates from the bondage of birth and death.
Om Namo Bhagavate Vâsudevâya
'my respects for Vâsudeva, the Supreme Lord'
[SB, Canto 4:8-54]
Om Namo Bhagavate Vâsudevâya
Hari Om Namo Bhagavate Vâsudevâya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namo Nârâyanaya
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namo Nârâyanaya
(Hari) Om Namo Bhagavate Vâsudevâya
In het Nederlands:
Om Namo Bhagavate Vâsudevâya
'alle eer aan Vâsudeva, de Allerhoogste Heer'
[SB, Canto 4:8-54]
Om Tat Sat
Om Tat Sat Sri Narayana Tu
Purushottama Guru Tu
Siddha Buddha Tu Skanda Vinayaka
Savita Pavaka Tu
Brahma Mazda Tu Yahve Shakti Tu
Ishu Pita Prabhu Tu
Rudra Vishnu Tu Rama Krishna Tu
Rahima Tao Tu
Vasudeva Go-Vishvarupa Tu
Chidananda Hari Tu
Advitiya Tu Akala Nirbhaya
Atmalinga Shiva Tu
Om, Thou art that, Thou art Narayana,
God in the form of man;
Thou art the Embodiment of perfection and the perfect master.
Thou art enlightened Buddha;
Thou art Subramanya and Ganesha, the remover of obstacles;
Thou art the Sun-fire;
Thou art Brahma, the Creator;
Mazda, the Great One;
Thou art Jehovah and the Divine Mother, the creative Energy.
O Lord! Thou art the Father of Jesus.
Thou art Rudra, the Transformer, and Vishnu, the Preserver;
Thou art Rama and Krishna;
Thou art Rahim, all kindness, always giving and expanding;
Thou art the Tao.
Thou art Vasudeva, the Sustenance of all, omnipotent and omnipresent;
Thou art Hari, Destroyer of illusion, the blissful Spirit.
Thou art unparallelled, beyond time and fearless of adversities;
Thou art Shiva, Creator of the lingam, Symbol of the formless Absolute.
(in het Nederlands:)
Om, U bent Dat, het volmaakte Zijnde, Heer Vishnu
die in alle wezens woont.
U bent God, onze geestelijke leraar.
U bent Vardhamana, de stichter van het Jainisme en
Boeddha, de stichter van het Boeddhisme.
U bent Subrahmanya en Ganesha.
U bent de levenschenkende kracht van de zon en het zuiverende vuur.
U bent Brahman, de God van de Hindoes en
Ahura Mazda, de God van de Parsi's.
U bent Jahweh, de God van de Joden en Shakti, de goddelijke energie.
U bent Jezus en de hemelse Vader, onze Heer.
U bent Shiva, de vernietiger en Vishnu, de instandhouder.
U bent Rama en Krishna.
U bent Allah de genadevolle en Tao, het hoogste principe in het TaoÔsme.
U bent de Heer die in allen en alles aanwezig is;
het gehele universum en iedere individuele ziel is uw vorm.
U bent volmaakt bewustzijn en volkomen gelukzaligheid;
U bent God die onze harten steelt.
U bent één zonder tweede, U staat buiten de tijd en boven angst.
U bent zonder begin en zonder einde en
U vernietigt al het vergankelijke.